
All opinions and views stated on this site belong solely to Corina Lynn Becker, and do not represent or reflects the views and opinions of any organizations, unless otherwise specified.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

in which logic is flawed

originally posted on LJ April 23, 2009. Please note, I am not a scientist, so this is all my disdain for badly reasoned opinions being presented as fact.

so, Jim Carey writes a little about the judgment on vaccines NOT causing autism.


some of my favorite quotes

"This is a huge leap of logic by anyone's standards. Not everyone gets cancer from smoking, but cigarettes do cause cancer."

Yeah, cancer from cigarettes is caused by consistent exposure to the chemicals in cigarettes. Other than us asthmatics who cough like crazy and whatnot, minimum exposure to cigarettes won't cause cancer.

"The truth is that no one without a vested interest in the profitability of vaccines has studied all 36 of them in depth."

Sooooo, if everyone who studies the vaccines has a vested interest in their profit, then all the results are therefore bogus and no matter what they say, will be rejected by the antivaccine/green vaccine crowd. You gotta have at least some trust in people.
Also, I don't know, but aren't there studies done in other countries that aren't American? hmmmmm, rather dismissive of all doctors there, Jim.

"f we are to believe that the ruling of the 'vaccine court' in these cases mean that all vaccines are safe, then we must also consider the rulings of that same court in the Hannah Polling and Bailey Banks cases, which ruled vaccines were the cause of autism and therefore assume that all vaccines are unsafe. "

Wasn't that the case where it was discovered that Hannah had an underlining condition that reacted with the vaccines to develop 3 autistic-like behaviours? Big difference, there. Edit: and it wasn't the vaccine court that ruled that case.

"The legitimate concern they and many in the scientific community have that environmental toxins, including those found in vaccines, may be causing autism and other disorders (Aspergers, ADD, ADHD), cannot be dissuaded by a show of sympathy and a friendly invitation to look for the 'real' cause of autism anywhere but within the lucrative vaccine program."

The funny part is that some of the apparent toxins in the vaccines, like mercury, can be found in larger quantities in perfectly natural and healthy sources. Like fish.
Also, it has been proven that the major study which claims that vaccines cause those disorders had been falsified.
Also, Aperger's IS autism. AS is an Autism Spectrum Disorder under the Pervasive Developmental Disorders in the DSM-IV. Facts are fun to ignore, aren't they Jim?

"With many states like Minnesota now reporting the number at 1 in 80 children affected with autism, can we afford to trust those who serve two masters or their logic that tells us "one size fits all" when it comes to vaccines?"

Apparently, no one. So until someone in "them" says that yes, all of you vaccine nuts are right, you won't believe anything we say. But that won't happen, because it would be lying, and that's wrong.

"Can we afford to ignore vaccines as a possible cause of these rising numbers when they are one of the fastest growing elements in our children's environment?"

And more diagnostic tools mean nothing, huh? Education means nothing too, huh? Apparently so, since Jim, an actor of comedy, is now a self-proclaimed expert on autism causes without opening a textbook when scientists and doctors have been working on this for a good long while.

"With all the doubt that's left hanging on this topic, how can anyone in the media or medical profession, boldly demand that all parents march out and give their kids 36 of these shots, six at a time in dosage levels equal to that given a 200 pound man?"

There's more dangerous toxins and chemicals in CHELATION than there is in the vaccines. They tried to do a study on Chelation; they stopped it before it started because it was too dangerous for the adult human subjects. And DAN! says it's a way to cure autism. In children. (sure, if they don't DIE first!)

"This is a bias of the most dangerous kind."

You know, bias is a two way street, Jim.

"I've also heard it said that no evidence of a link between vaccines and autism has ever been found. That statement is only true for the CDC, the AAP and the vaccine makers who've been ignoring mountains of scientific information and testimony."

From whom, your wife sorry, your girlfriend? Sooooo, what about the non-American governments, who also still use the MMR vaccines and the same vaccine schedule? Also, they've been developing these vaccines for years now. While there was a cause of concern some couple decades ago about the amount of Mercury in the vaccines, they've improved on the vaccines, and those vaccines don't exist anymore. They would have been either discarded or used by now. Sorry, but vaccines don't have a century-long shelf life.

"We have never argued that people shouldn't be immunized for the most serious threats including measles and polio, but surely there's a limit as to how many viruses and toxins can be introduced into the body of a small child"

I repeat my comment about Chelation. Strangely enough, apparently the cause for toxins in vaccines causing autism is a digestive problems like Leaky Gut that allows the toxins to reach the brain. Otherwise, those toxins would leave the body within a 24 hour period, or abouts.
So what about the people with autism who got the vaccines, and don't have digestive problems?

The rest of what Jim says seems to be based on old facts. Which, of course, are old and therefore only apply to the time period in which they were new.

So really, the main problem is the schedule.
Edit: Also, the UK has a lower amount of vaccines in their schedule and a higher rate of autism than in either Canada or the US, so the argument that reducing the vaccines is stupidly flawed.

You know, when I was a baby, I had most of the blood in my body taken out for blood testing. My mother couldn't believe how much blood they were taking, and was sure that I couldn't survive that much blood loss. And yet, here I am.

Humans are amazing things, really. Yes, when we're babies and children, we're still developing and don't have all our defenses up and are vulnerable. When we're fully grown, we're pretty pathetic compared to all the other critters in the world. And yet, we're tough and we survive.

So, I think I'm going to trust in humanity, and give my child the damn shots.

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