
All opinions and views stated on this site belong solely to Corina Lynn Becker, and do not represent or reflects the views and opinions of any organizations, unless otherwise specified.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Conferences and Awards

Hello all, sorry I've been so quiet.  I've been studying, and then taking things easy to recuperate and prepare.  

This July, I'll be in Pittsburgh, PA, for the 44th Annual Autism Society Conference, giving a presentation as part of the Autism Women's Network* on needs and issues of autistic women throughout the lifespan.  While the conference runs July 10-13, our talk will be Friday, July 12 at 1:45 - 3:00, in conference room 303.  We're very pleased to see that membership for the conference for autistic persons is free and that interaction badges are available.  

I'll also be looking for quiet spaces.  

At the same time that the conference is happening, I've been selected to receive the Bill & Lucille Owen Award in Public Policy at Ryerson University Disability Studies.  I won't be able to receive the award in person during the ceremony on Tuesday, since I'll be on a plane to the conference, but I'm told that everyone at my department is excited for me.  

I'm just amused that I applied for one award, and was selected for a totally different one.  But it will definitely help pay for school in the next year.  Aaaah, it takes some of the burden off to know that I got the award, and since I just sent in my course selections, I'm looking forward to the Fall!!  

But yes, I hope to see people at the conference next week!!